admin 发表于 2023-1-6 10:57:30

《遇见喵星人 Meet the Kittens》英文节目全10集下载 Cbeebies宠...

《遇见喵星人 Meet the Kittens》是一部儿童宠物节目,于2015年11月在BBC儿童频道首播。节目通过镜头讲述了两只新出生的小猫探索世界的过程,带领小朋友们近距离了解喵星人的世界。

原版名称:Meet the Kittens

《遇见喵星人 Meet the Kittens》BBC宠物节目全10集目录:
10: At nearly 10 weeks old, it's time to say goodbye to our 11 kittens as they are picked up and taken home by their new, loving families.
09: The kittens try collars on for the first time and encounter a wild rabbit that Cleo brings home for them.
08: How do 11 kittens become 22? The kittens get double vision when they come across a mirror for the first time.
07: The kittens are growing up fast, and soon it will be time for them to go to new, loving homes. They are photographed in their quest to find one.
06: It's time for the kittens to learn how to use a litter tray - but they find that playtime is far more interesting!
05: The kittens are growing fast and, with all of this playing, it is time that they had more than just milk to help them grow.
04: The family's home is in need of essential roof repairs, so the kittens are on the move yet again.
03: The kittens are on the move again! This time it's the lawnmower which sparks our protective mothers into action.
02: As the kittens' eyes start to open for the first time, something happens to make the mummies take action to keep all of them safe.
01: Series following the adventures of a group of kittens during the first nine weeks of their lives. Two cats expecting kittens visit the vets. How many kittens will there be?

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