admin 发表于 2022-12-27 21:10:58

蒙面睡衣侠 PJ Masks 英文版第一季1-19集下载 迪斯尼少儿超...

英文名称:PJ Masks
动画格式:mkv | mp4
动画分辨率:前13集(1080p)| 14-19集(720p)
动画语言:英语发音 内嵌英文字幕
动画类型:冒险 | 英雄

《蒙面睡衣侠 PJ Masks》是迪斯尼少儿频道在2015年9月开播的幼儿超级英雄题材动画。蒙面睡衣小队由三个小队员组成Connor、Greg和Amaya。三个人白天是普通的小孩,但是每当夜幕降临,他们披上睡衣带上面具之后,就变身超级英雄。他们探险、解决谜题,并在成长中学会很多知识。这部动画男孩子可能会更加喜欢,超级英雄,像什么闪电侠、蜘蛛侠、超人之类的,故事充满了惊险、刺激。

《蒙面睡衣侠 PJ Masks》第一季共26集,艾特早教提供前1-19集的视频下载(持续更新)。动画每集时长25分钟左右(每一个视频都包含有2个故事,相当于是2小集),英语发音。其中1-13集,超清1080P,内嵌英文字幕,mkv格式,每集大小约800M;14-19集,高清720P,无字幕,mp4格式,每集大小约190M。动画色彩亮丽、情节简单易懂、卡通人物造型炫酷可爱,是一部适合2-6岁的幼儿观看的超级英雄动画片。

蒙面睡衣侠 PJ Masks 少儿超级英雄动画1-19集目录

PJ Masks S01E01 Blame it on the Train Owlette-Catboy's Cloudy Crisis
PJ Masks S01E02 Owlette and the Flash Flip Trip-Gekko and the Pogo Dozer
PJ Masks S01E03 Gekko and the Super Ninjalinos-Owlette's Terrible Pterodactyl
PJ Masks S01E04 Catboy and the Shrinker-Owlette and the Moonball
PJ Masks S01E05 Catboy's Butterfly Brigade-Owlette the Winner
PJ Masks S01E06 Speak Up Gekko-Catboy and Master Fang's Stolen Sword
PJ Masks S01E07 Catboy vs Robo-Cat-Owlette and the Giving Owl
PJ Masks S01E08 Catboy and the Great Birthday Cake Rescue-Gekko and the Snore-O-Sauras
PJ Masks S01E09 Looking After Gekko-Catboy and Teeny Weeny Ninjalino
PJ Masks S01E10 Catboy's Tricky Ticket-Gekko Mobile is Missing
PJ Masks S01E11 Catboy's Flying Fiasco-Gekko's Stay at Home Sneezes
PJ Masks S01E12 Gekko Saves Christmas-Gekko's Nice Ice Plan
PJ Masks S01E13 Clumsy Catboy-Gekko and the Mighty Moon Problem
PJ Masks S01E14 Catboy and Gekkos Robot Rampage-Owlettes Feathered Friend
PJ Masks S01E15 Owlette and The Battling Headquarters-Gekko and The Mayhem at The Muse
PJ Masks S01E16 Catboy Takes Control-Owlettes Two Wrongs
PJ Masks S01E17 Gekko Floats-Catboys Two Wheeled wonder
PJ Masks S01E18 Catboys Great Gig-Owlettes New Move
PJ Masks S01E19 Supersonic Owlette-Catboy and The Sticky Splat Slingshot
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