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2017-1-16 11:36 上传<br>
世界TOP100绘本PDF格式 儿童英文绘本 最受欢迎的国外名家绘本100本<br>
2009年5月初,一位名叫Elizabeth Bird的纽约公共图书馆的儿童图书馆员,在她的博客里,组织了一个100本最棒图画书的民意投票(Top 100 Picture Books Poll of 2009)。个人觉得这是一个非常好的资料。我以这个书单为基础,增添了一些国内出版与童书相关的资料,特别整理出来,以飨同好。<br>
1.&nbsp;&nbsp;where the wild things (野兽出没的地方)<br>
2.&nbsp;&nbsp;good night,moon (月亮,晚安)<br>
3.&nbsp; &nbsp;the very hungry caterpillar (好饿好饿的毛毛虫)<br>
4.&nbsp; &nbsp;the snowy day (雪天)<br>
5.&nbsp; &nbsp;don’t let the pigeon drive thebus (不要让鸽子开巴士)<br>
6.&nbsp; &nbsp;make way for ducklings (让路给小鸭子)<br>
7.&nbsp; &nbsp;harold and the purple crayon (哈罗德和紫色蜡笔)<br>
8.&nbsp; &nbsp; madeline (玛德琳)) <br>
9.&nbsp; &nbsp; millions of cats (百万只猫)<br>
10.&nbsp; &nbsp;knuffle bunny: a cartionary tale (小兔的故事)<br>
11.&nbsp; &nbsp;the story of ferdinand (爱花的牛)<br>
12.&nbsp; &nbsp;good night gorilla(晚安,大猩猩)<br>
13.&nbsp; &nbsp;blueberries for sale (小塞尔采蓝莓)<br>
14.&nbsp; &nbsp;the true story of the three little pigs (三只小猪的真实故事)) <br>
15.&nbsp; &nbsp;lilly’s purpleplastic purse (莉莉的紫色小皮包)&nbsp;&nbsp;<br>
16.&nbsp; &nbsp;owl moon (月下猫头鹰)<br>
17.&nbsp; &nbsp;caps for sale (卖帽子)<br>
18.&nbsp; &nbsp;in the night kitchen (厨房之夜狂想曲)<br>
19.&nbsp; &nbsp;miss rumphius (花婆婆)<br>
20.&nbsp; &nbsp;george and martha (乔治与马莎)<br>
21.&nbsp; &nbsp;bark, george (汪汪,乔治)<br>
22.&nbsp; &nbsp;the monster at the end of this book (本书结尾的怪物)<br>
23.&nbsp; &nbsp;bread and jam (弗朗西丝的面包和果酱)<br>
24.&nbsp; &nbsp;chicka chicka boom boom(奇卡啦奇卡啦)<br>
25.&nbsp; &nbsp;the little house (小房子)<br>
26.&nbsp; &nbsp;couduroy (小熊可可)<br>
27.&nbsp; &nbsp;the tale of peter rabbit (彼得兔的故事)<br>
28.&nbsp; &nbsp;alexander and the terrible, horrible, nogood,very bad day (亚历山大和可怕的、恐怖的、不好的、非常糟糟糕的一天)<br>
29.&nbsp; &nbsp;sylvester and the magic pebble&nbsp;&nbsp;(驴小弟变石头)<br>
30.&nbsp; &nbsp;brown bear, brown bear, what do you see (棕色熊,棕色的熊你在看什么)<br>
31.&nbsp; &nbsp;no, david (大卫,不可以)<br>
32.&nbsp; &nbsp;click clack moo, cows that type (喀哩,喀啦,哞,会打字的牛)<br>
33.&nbsp; &nbsp;cloudy with a chance of meatballs (阴天有时下肉丸)<br>
34.&nbsp; &nbsp;olivia (奥莉薇)<br>
35.&nbsp; &nbsp;tikki tikki tembo (提基?提基?坦布)<br>
36.&nbsp; &nbsp;stinky cheese man and other fairly stupidtales (臭起司小子爆笑故事大集合)<br>
37.&nbsp; &nbsp;eloise (小艾系列)<br>
38.&nbsp; &nbsp;harry the dirty dog (好脏的哈利)<br>
39.&nbsp; &nbsp;the napping house&nbsp;&nbsp;(打瞌睡的房子)<br>
40.&nbsp; &nbsp;mike mulligan and his steam shovel (马克?马力甘和他的蒸汽挖土机)<br>
41.&nbsp; &nbsp;the relatives came (亲朋自远方来)<br>
42.&nbsp; &nbsp;curious george (好奇猴乔治)<br>
43.&nbsp; &nbsp;Tuesday (星期二)<br>
44.&nbsp; &nbsp;strega nona (巫婆奶奶)<br>
45.&nbsp; &nbsp;the polar express (极地特快)<br>
46.&nbsp; &nbsp;scaredy sqruirrel (小嘀咕的幸福生活/胆小松鼠)<br>
47.&nbsp; &nbsp;if you give a mouse a cookie (如果你给老鼠吃饼干)<br>
48.&nbsp; &nbsp;the big orange splot (橙色奇迹)<br>
49.&nbsp; &nbsp;king bidgood is in th bathtub (浴缸里的国王)<br>
50.&nbsp; &nbsp;black and white (黑与白)<br>
51.&nbsp; &nbsp;jumanji (勇敢者的游戏)<br>
52.&nbsp; &nbsp;miss nelson is missing (尼尔森老师不见了)<br>
53.&nbsp; &nbsp;the snowman (雪人)<br>
54.&nbsp; &nbsp;the three pigs (三只小猪)<br>
55.&nbsp; &nbsp;the little engine that could (小火车做到了)<br>
56.&nbsp; &nbsp;frederick (田鼠阿佛)<br>
57.&nbsp; &nbsp;diary of a worm (蚯蚓日记))<br>
58.&nbsp; &nbsp;flotsam (海底来的秘密)<br>
59.&nbsp; &nbsp;why mosquitoes buzz in people’s ears (为什么蚊子在人们耳边嗡嗡叫)<br>
60.&nbsp; &nbsp;chicken soup with rice: a book of months (鸡汤饭)<br>
61.&nbsp; &nbsp;lost and found (远在天边)<br>
62.&nbsp; &nbsp;the story about ping (平的故事)<br>
63.&nbsp; &nbsp;traction man is here (玩具牵引人在这里)<br>
64.&nbsp; &nbsp;I can’t , saidthe ant: a second book of nonsense (我不能)<br>
65.&nbsp; &nbsp;skippyjon jones (史奇皮小猫)<br>
66.&nbsp; &nbsp;officer buckle and gloria (警官巴克尔和警犬葛芮雅)<br>
67.&nbsp; &nbsp;little blue and little yellow (小蓝和小黄)<br>
68.&nbsp; &nbsp;the arrival (抵岸)<br>
69.&nbsp; &nbsp;we’re going on a bear hunt (我们去猎熊)<br>
70.&nbsp; &nbsp;miss fanshawe and the great dragon adverture(凡韶维与龙之冒险)<br>
71.&nbsp; &nbsp;the paper bag princess (纸袋公主)<br>
72.&nbsp; &nbsp;the little brute family (小野兽之家)<br>
73.&nbsp; &nbsp;the story of babar, the little elephant (小象巴巴的故事)<br>
74.&nbsp; &nbsp;runaway bunny (逃家小兔)<br>
75.&nbsp; &nbsp;horton hatches the egg (霍顿孵蛋)<br>
76.&nbsp; &nbsp;zoom at sea (海里的猫)<br>
77.&nbsp; &nbsp;the library (爱书人茉莉)<br>
78.&nbsp; &nbsp;how the grinch stole christmas (圣诞怪杰)<br>
79.&nbsp; &nbsp;our animal friends at maple hill farm (我们的动物朋友)<br>
80.&nbsp; &nbsp;the jolly postman: or, other people’sletters (邮件)<br>
81.&nbsp; &nbsp;possum magic (袋貂魔法)<br>
82.&nbsp; &nbsp;who needs donuts (谁要甜甜圈)<br>
83.&nbsp; &nbsp;the lorax (绒毛树)<br>
84.&nbsp; &nbsp;chester’sway&nbsp;&nbsp;(两个好朋友)<br>
85.&nbsp; &nbsp;whistle for willie (彼得的口哨)<br>
86.&nbsp; &nbsp;yoko (女生优优)<br>
87.&nbsp; &nbsp;kitten’s firstfull moon (猫咪的第一次满月)<br>
88.&nbsp; &nbsp;stellaluna (星月)<br>
89.&nbsp; &nbsp;a hole is to dig: a first book of firstdefinitions (洞是来挖的)<br>
90.&nbsp; &nbsp;not a box (不是箱子)<br>
91.&nbsp; &nbsp;dinosaur bob and his adventures with thefamily lazardo (恐龙鲍勃与他的冒险之旅) <br>
92.&nbsp; &nbsp;swimmy (小黑鱼)<br>
93.&nbsp; &nbsp;the giving tree ( 爱心树)<br>
94.&nbsp; &nbsp;the little mouse, the red ripe strawberry,and the big hungry bear (小老鼠与红草莓)<br>
95.&nbsp; &nbsp;the gardener (小恩的花园)<br>
96.&nbsp; &nbsp;the very quiet cricket (好安静的蟋蟀)<br>
97.&nbsp; &nbsp;where is the green sheep (绿山羊在哪里)<br>
98.&nbsp; &nbsp;anatole (老鼠爸爸)<br>
99.&nbsp; &nbsp;little pea (快乐的小豆子)<br>
100.&nbsp;&nbsp;go away, big green monster. (走开,绿色的大怪物)<br>

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